Dr. Evon Horton
COH Board
Evon has been the pastor of Brownsville assembly since September 2006. He commented, "The moment I stepped into the sanctuary at Brownsville I sensed the Spirit of the Lord in a powerful way." He believes the move of the God at Brownsville is continuing. Not necessarily in the same manner, but in a way of speaking into the surrounding community, as well as the Pensacola Gulf/Bay area.
While the revival impacted millions from around the world, there is still a huge need in the poverty, drug ridden, high crime area known as Brownsville. He is leading a charge with area pastors to make an impact in this community. "Brownsville Assembly is literally an oasis in this community of significant need.", says Pastor Horton.
Dr. Horton was raised in a conservative Methodist pastor’s home. While pastoring in that same denomination he and Deborah came into a dramatic infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Upon leaving the Methodist church he pastored Mississauga Gospel Temple. The church grew to one of the largest in Canada with weekend attendance of over 2,000 in six services in four languages. The church’s growth was primarily through first-time conversions. Most recently he has served as President of Master’s College and Seminary in Toronto, Canada.
Evon has been married to Deborah for over thirty years. They have two daughters, one son-in-law, and a grandaughter. He is a transplanted Canadian with a Doctor of Ministry, Master's of Divinity, and a Bachelor of Arts degree and over thirty years of ministry experience.